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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

To the Edge

I went to the edge
At the shoreline
Where the ebbing tide
Met the dry earth
Crouching down
Then leaning forward
I peered over the edge
Careful not to get wet
I teetered on the edge
With just enough lean
I saw it
My reflection
Water mirroring me
My face
On the edge
There I slightly glanced
toward the horizon
I was peering at the edge
Seemingly endless the expanse of water
I could see forever
Then I looked back
And caught my eyes looking at me
In them
I saw forever at the edge
Straightening just enough
To not fall backward
I placed my elbows on my knees
And balanced
There on the edge
I raised my head and balanced
My eyes on the horizon
Like the bubble does on a leveler
Leveling my balance
I didn't waiver
I didn't teeter
Neither forward
So as not to get wet
Nor backward
So as not to fall
I was there on the edge
Of the horizon
The edge of the water
The place where the earth met
The edge of forever
And there
I was balanced

©2013 Sharbi3