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Monday, July 15, 2013

There's No Justice, There's Just Us

It's not just about Trayvon. 
His murder was a catalyst. 
It's not just about Emmit Till. 
His murder was a catalyst. 
It's not just about the Jena 6 or Rosa Parks. 
It's not just about ...

Ramarley Graham, Arthur McDuffie, James Byrd, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, Yusef Hawkins, Oscar Grant, Willie Turks, George Jackson, Derrick Jones, Martin Luther King Jr, Corey Brown, Henry Glover, Alonzo Ashley, Reginald Doucet, Troy Davis, Kenneth B Walker, Michael Griffith, Bernard Monroe, Malcolm X, Khiel Coppin, James Craig Anderson, Roger and Dorothy Malcom, Henry Smith, Stephon Watts, Rekia Boyd, Shaima Alawadi

The list goes on and on and on. 

When will it END?

We don't need anymore catalysts, wake up calls, walking/driving while black, stop and frisk, 500 more years.

This is about disenfranchisement, economic inequality, sub-standard living, not receiving a quality education, higher rates of unemployment,  highest rate of incarcerated individuals, too many single-parent households.

Children in Chicago killing each other, for what? Yeah this is about that too.

It hurts. I'm tired.

We're all tired of fighting the same struggle day in and day out to be recognized ...

as H U M A N S

We haven't received reparations,  the Japanese did,  the Jews did, those in the Middle East have. I, we, they are just as human as everyone else. Wouldn't you be just as upset if all you hear and see are your brothers and sisters dying at your feet, down your street, in your city, their town, our world?

There is no justice,  there's Just Us.

- Sharmane 7/15/2013

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